July 30, 2020 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Better Health Partnership’s
Children’s Health Report
July 30, 2020 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST

Better Health Partnership’s Children’s Health initiative, led by Northeast Ohio’s primary care providers and various health and human service agencies, continues to forge strategies for improving the health and vitality of all children in alignment with the state’s 2020-2022 health improvement plan and the Ohio Department of Medicaid’s Comprehensive Primary Care Program for Kids. Since 2016, our partners have worked collectively to increase the impact on health and health equity related to childhood obesity and asthma.

In 2020, we embrace the challenge of improving mental/behavioral and social health outcomes for our youth-especially for those associated with anxiety and depression. We also join the Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition to improve outcomes for children at risk for lead exposure by improving lead testing rates in primary care and referrals to early and effective interventions.

Please join us to learn more about Better Health Partnership’s data-informed, primary and secondary prevention and quality improvement strategies designed to mitigate these chronic conditions and growing complex health issues.
Participant will be able to:
• Identify areas of alignment between the state health improvement priorities and Better Health’s regional children’s health initiatives
• Explain how racial health disparities in children vary between and within neighborhoods and locate areas for prioritized intervention
• Describe ways in which clinical providers and social services are building bridges to close disparity gaps in children’s health outcomes
Presenters include:

Donald Ford MD
Chief Medical Officer, Better Health Partnership

Steven Spalding MD
Vice President, Population Health, Akron Children’s Hospital,
Co-Chair, BHP Children’s Health Leadership Team

Chris Mundorf PhD
Director, Data Analytics and Reporting, Better Health Partnership